Vallarta Gardens
Vallarta Gardens
Vallarta Gardens

Vallarta Gardens Scams Warning

What to see



Scams Warning



We had a very interesting experience at Vallarta Gardens. Upon arriving to the complex, we discovered that the resort is most definitely not in Puerto Vallarta, but is actually out in the middle of nowhere. The surrounding area did not seem like the safest place to be and there were no restaurants within walking distance. So, if you think that you will be going to the heart of Puerto Vallarta, you will not. It is a 15-20 minutes cab ride into the city.
Paul K.
The hotel was perfect. Clean, quiet and comfortable lovely rooms and style, convenient location, friendly staff! exceeded our expectations... great service and comfortable beds... a wonderful fireside by to enjoy a classic cocktail... great food... a great value for this property. loved the location .. we will definitely be back
This is our second evening and everything about Vallarta Gardens has exceeded our expectations. We’ve kayaked through the waves, had a couple strolls through town, and best of all just relaxed. It is very warm now, but we are lucky enough to have a private pool, which is extremely refreshing. Our villa is beautiful. We have an incredible view of the bay from both the bedroom and our living room.
Thomas B.


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Scams Warning

All members/ Future members / Owners of Vallarta Gardens

Recently, there has been a sharp increase in fraud and scam of all kinds across all business and industry sectors, including credit card fraud, account holder fraud, insurance fraud, and even vacation club fraud. We are writing to let you know about a particular scam we have learned of.

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